Climbing Out of the Abyss – Part 17

September 19, 2015

Steps to heaven

Seven Steps to Heaven

We are surrounded by reminders of the seven steps to Heaven / Enlightenment/ Transformation, but most of us are not really aware of them and how they can help us.

The first of the seven steps to Heaven begin at Hell, in a way. It is represented by Saturn (Satan in Astrotheology) the slowest planet, the limitations of time. ‘Baptism’ – born into our tribe. The ‘Root Chakra’ – our basest survival needs, our ego, self- preservation, where we get caught up in ourselves, habits, addictions, anger, our lower selves. In Alchemy it’s the Lead of self. In Energy it’s the lowest frequency and vibration. It is our ancient and stubborn soul in Spirituality. By letting go of our fear and anger, by looking out for others as well as ourselves, by realizing that there is nothing outside ourselves that can harm or control us except our own vain imaginations, we get to move up to the next level.

Step two is represented by Jupiter, the metal Tin. ‘Communion’ – greater interaction with others, community. ‘We’ rather than ‘I’. The ‘Sacral Chakra’ – when we move up from our ego desires and fears, we find balance between love, money and the power to create. Through using mental exercises and intuition we can seek to let go of repressed feelings that are at the root of all our addictions. With more balanced emotions we go to level three.

Step three is represented by Mars, the metal Iron. ‘Confirmation’ – discovering who we are in the world. The ‘Solar Plexus Chakra’, willpower, the will to live. When we gain insights into our behaviours and how they affect ourselves and others, we learn to assert ourselves without dominating or submitting, we find equality, personal honour, courage, and we move away from materialism and the battles it causes.

Step four is represented by Planet Venus (the glyph is the symbol for life force, the Egyptian Ankh, it denotes a circle over a cross, the triumph of spirit over matter) the metal is Copper. ‘Marriage’ – we become more caring and less manipulative to others. ‘Heart Chakra’-we balance our emotions further, learn our lessons from love and develop greater compassion, forgiveness and empathy. We learn to give unconditionally while respecting our own boundaries.

Step five is represented by Mercury and the metal Mercury. ‘Confession’ – power of speech. ‘Throat Chakra’ – speaking our truth, liberation, creativity, inspiration, expressing our thoughts but balancing speaking with listening, being aware of our inner power without getting caught in the pride of our wisdom, discovering mind over matter.

Step six is represented by the Moon, Silver. ‘Holy Orders’ – being Divinely guided and sharing that knowledge to help others. ‘Third Eye Chakra’ – intuition, free of the ego and instinctual influences, a feeling of connectedness to everyone and everything and seeing how you play your part in affecting the world around you.

Step Seven is represented by the Sun, Gold. ‘Last Rites’ – death to the old ways of living and being in the world. ‘Crown Chakra’ – transformation, a oneness with the universe in which the Divine is experienced. In Alchemy it is the Gold of self, the Philosophers Stone. It is higher consciousness, the highest vibration and frequency. We are in touch with higher guidance, knowingness, enlightenment, bliss, and can fulfill our highest potential.

Part 18 – Interdependence

Paula is an Author / Hypnotherapist / Reiki Healer / Artist / Photographer, in Blessington Co. Wicklow. / / Phone 086 0848398 All her articles to date are on her blog